One of the questions we hear a lot from our patients is 'All-on 6 dental implants recovery time or How long does it take for all on 6 dental implants to heal?' is the question. In this article, we answered this question for you.

All on 6 dental implants in brief
In addition to contributing to aesthetic appearance and speech, teeth prepare food for digestion by chewing and breaking it down when it is taken into the mouth. This process helps the digestive system digest food more easily. Missing teeth is a serious problem that can negatively affect the aesthetic appearance and general health of individuals. Such as digestive system problems due to inadequate chewing.
The causes of tooth loss can be caused by a variety of factors, but all-on-6 dental implants offer a unique solution to fill toothless gaps and give patients a solid, natural-looking smile. However, all-on 6 dental implants recovery time is important after the completion of this treatment process.
All-on 6 dental implants recovery time
After the implant operation, patients may generally feel slight swelling, pain and tenderness. This is a normal reaction and usually subsides within a few days. In the first few days, using recommended medications regularly will help speed up the healing process and manage pain.
The full recovery process may vary from person to person, but is completed within 2 to 6 months. All-on 6 dental implants recovery time is usually completed in 3 months. During this period during which the temporary prostheses are installed, the implants fuse securely with the jawbone and the prosthesis is completely seated. At the end of 3 months, checks are made and permanent prostheses are installed.

Factors affecting all-on-6 dental implants recovery time
General factors affecting the all-on-6 dental implants recovery time
During the period of temporary dentures, you should choose a soft diet and avoid foods that will create excessive pressure on the implants. Excessive pressure affects the integration of implants into the jaw and increases the risk of infection around the implants.
During the healing process, keeping the area around the implants clean by the patient reduces the risk of infection. It contributes to the healthy integration of implants.
In smokers, poor oral hygiene and accumulation of microorganisms in the mouth are more common. This increases the risk of infection at the implant site.
Alcohol consumption
Alcohol can increase blood circulation by dilating blood vessels. Excessive alcohol consumption after implant surgery increases the risk of inflammation, which prolongs the healing process.
Excessive alcohol consumption can suppress the immune system. After implant surgery, the immune system is important to ensure that the body accepts foreign objects and becomes compatible with them. It should not be forgotten that alcohol can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of infection.
Alcohol consumption may increase edema and swelling that may occur after implant surgery.
In addition to these factors, individual factors such as the patient's general health condition, the structure and density of the jawbone, and age also affect all-on-6 dental implants recovery time.

Nutrition during the all on 6 dental implants recovery time
Consuming the right foods during the healing process can ensure the successful union and longevity of your implants. Here are the points you should pay attention to about nutrition after All-on-6 implant application:
1. First Weeks: Liquid and Pureed Foods
During the first 2 weeks after the operation, you should prefer only liquid and pureed foods to reduce the sensitivity in your jaw and promote healing. During this period, it is important to eat soft and nutritious foods such as soups, yoghurt and compotes. Also, remember that you may have increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods in the early days.
2. First Month: Soft and Easily Chewed Foods
After the first 2 weeks, you can slowly add solid foods to your diet. From the second week onwards, you can start to eat soft and easily chewed foods such as pasta, rice and eggs. You can also add some vegetables and fruits, but it is important to cook them thoroughly and make them soft.
3. After the First Month: Transition to Soft Meats and Well-Cooked Vegetables
At the end of the first month, you can add soft meats and well-cooked vegetables to your diet. However, be careful not to strain your ability to chew and avoid hard foods. During this period, it is important to continue your oral and dental care in accordance with your dentist's recommendations.
Eating in accordance with your dentist's recommendations during the healing process ensures that your implants will successfully fuse and last a long time. Remember, a healthy diet is a fundamental element for long-term oral health.
Situations encountered during the all on 6 dental implants recovery time and their solutions
Dental implants are an effective and permanent solution to replace lost teeth. All on 6 dental implants are a widely preferred method for filling missing teeth or edentulous areas. However, it is possible to encounter some situations during the healing process after implant surgery. In this article, we will discuss common conditions and practical solutions for dealing with these conditions during the healing process of All on 6 dental implants.
1. Swelling and Pain
After All on 6 dental implant surgery, mild swelling and pain in the jaw and facial area is normal. This is a natural consequence of the surgery and usually subsides within a few days. To reduce swelling, it may be useful to apply ice to the surgical area at regular intervals for the first 2 days. You can also relax by using painkillers recommended by your doctor.
2. Gum Sensitivity
Tenderness and slight bleeding of the gums may occur after implant surgery. This is normal during and after the placement of the implants. To reduce gum sensitivity, it is important to gently take care of your oral hygiene. Keep your gums clean by brushing and flossing and use antiseptic solutions recommended by your doctor.
3. Temporary Discomfort
All on 6 dental implants may require a period of adaptation until they fuse with the bone. During this process, some patients may experience a temporary period of acclimatisation with dental implants. In this case, it is important to choose a soft diet and give yourself time to get used to the implants. Consuming soft and watery foods can reduce temporary discomfort.
4. Implant Infections
Infections after surgery are rare but can occur. Infections around implants can usually be treated with antibiotics. However, it is important to use antibacterial mouthwashes recommended by your doctor to reduce the risk of infection after implant surgery. Also, avoid habits that negatively affect the healing process of implants, such as smoking.
All on 6 dental implants offer an effective and long-term solution to replace missing teeth. These conditions encountered during the healing process are usually temporary and can be managed with proper care and treatment. However, in case of any concerns, it is important to contact your nearest dentist. Remember, proper care and follow-up is important to achieve a healthy smile.
Follow-up appointments during the recovery time
A total of 2 visits to Turkey is sufficient. Please contact us if you encounter any unexpected situation.
All on 6 will I be toothless during the healing period of dental implants?
No, I will not. You will use your temporary denture during the osseointegration period when the dental implants are integrated into the jawbone. Your dentures will be fitted when your implants are placed or the next day.