Yeşilbahçe Mah, Portakal Çiçeği Cad. Turunç Plaza, No:6 Antalya/Turkey

Tooth Extraction, aftercare, healing, (wisdom tooth extraction)

Maki Dent Clinic

To reach a stage of extracting a tooth, that means that tooth has severe damage or decay.

Makident-ists, request an X-ray known as panoramic, which you have the advantage to do it in our clinic, since we are equipped with the most advanced technology machine.

tooth extraction Turkey

Once done, an X-ray image is analyzed to define the bone levels and be able to determine how extended the damage is.

It seems to be an easy procedure, but in fact dentist look for more critical details, such as asking about the medical questionnaire to evaluate the situation.

Extraction of a tooth is the last remedial, after trying to save it if technically chances are available.

That is why, caring for the teeth and visiting the dentist regularly is a must.�� Long Life�

20 years old teeth

The wisdom teeth are 4 in total, one in each half jaw, and are called the third molar. It may come out earlier than the age of 20, it may come out later, or it may not come out at all.

What are the signs of eruption of wisdom teeth?

The 20-year-old teeth, which are called molars, can come out without any pain when they can find enough space in the gums after 2 molars in both jaws, and cause some symptoms if there is not enough space. Some of these can be named as gum tenderness, jaw pain, earache, headache, bad mouth smell, swelling of the lymph nodes.

When should wisdom teeth be extracted?

It may be more beneficial to extract these teeth in cases of recurring gingival inflammations, or presence of advanced caries, or compression of the teeth in front of them and causing crowding, and elongation of the existing wisdom teeth in the absence of the opposing wisdom.

How is 20-year-old tooth extraction done?

The extraction of wisdom teeth can be like a normal tooth.

If it is semi-buried or impacted, surgical intervention may be required because there will be bone tissue around it.


a tooth extraction is the act of removing the tooth out of its own socket.

In which cases is tooth extraction necessary?

Tooth extraction can be performed for orthodontic treatments.
Severely damaged teeth, traumatized teeth, broken teeth may require tooth extraction.
If gum disease is present, the patient�s bone may be lost. If the existing tooth cannot be saved after gingival treatment, extraction may be required.
Although milk teeth should fall out, they may remain in the mouth in some cases. If they start to cause problems in the teeth, extraction is performed.
If 20-year-old teeth cause pain, extraction is performed.

How is tooth extraction done?

In case it is decided to have a tooth extraction after the detailed anamnesis taken from the patient, the relevant area is first anesthetized. Tooth extraction is performed. In the meantime, the patient does not feel any pain or pain as the tooth and its surroundings are numb. After the procedure is finished, the gauze pad is bitten by the patient.

What should be done after tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, nothing should be eaten or drank until the numbness subsides. Otherwise, numb areas might be bitten without realizing it.
Hot & cold, foods & drinks should be avoided.
some bleeding after tooth extraction is normal. For a healthy recovery after extraction, a clot must form in that area. This clot will act as a buffer. In order recover quickly, avoid any hard movement.
Pain after tooth extraction is normal. A pain reliever other than aspirin can be taken.
Smoking and alcohol should not be consumed for 24 hours.
Swelling and bruising on the skin may be observed after tooth extraction. This risk can be minimized with cold press application.